Barry is now in Uruguay. He's happy. He's loving life and he looks great.
It's so good to have a picture and see that he is well!
Hey Dad thanks for the email early, Tuesdays are my p-day now so we got lucky. What bowl are the ducks going to?
Alright, I don't have that much time, I'm in the bus station, I got my new companion, Elder B, he seems pretty legit. Thanks for sending me that stuff, I'm glad that the elders had something to donate I'll put it to good use.
I can call you, on Christmas, just be ready, we have an hour to talk.
I love you guys a lot thanks for all your letters and love. Cheer real hard for the beavs to kill the cougars. (for those of you scoring at home... The Oregon State Beavers are playing the Brigham Young University Cougars in the Las Vegas Bowl. As alumni of both, we are very excited for the game to be played on Dec. 22 and will be cheering for the Beavers.~Jenny)
I'm so excited to be an actual missionary it's unreal, this is so crazy awesome.
I've gotta go, but I really love you.
love Elder Barry
This one put a smile on my face!
I'm so excited! I still can't believe he is 19 yet already in Uruguay! Cool picture!
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